Training this week

23 Jan by Chris Olson

⚫️🔴 Training schedule this week 🔴⚫️

🔴 Any changes or cancellations due to weather will be posted here. If nothing is posted, assume it is on.

⚫️ Tuesday
- Sprints with Nathan 6:30-7:30 (U9 and up)
- Walks and middle distance running with Dave 6:45-7:45 (U9 and up)
- High Jump with Caleb 6:30-7:30 (U9 and up). We will need some assistance from parents taking HJ mats out and in please

🔴 Thursday
- Throws with Marie 6:30-7:30 (U6 and up)
- Walks and middle distance running with Dave 6:45-7:45 (U9 and up)
- Sprints with Nathan 6:30-7:30 (U9 and up)

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